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Illustrations of "Law of Nature," "William Blackstone" and ... Image 1

Illustrations of "Law of Nature," "William Blackstone" and "Creator" murals in the Supreme Court for The Holy Experiment: Our Heritage from William Penn, 1644-1944 [Philadelphia: Cogslea Studio, 1950]

c. 1950
Black ink and graphite on cream paper with framing lines in black ink between hinged mats
Credit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015
14 1/2 x 28 in. (overall)

Description & Inscriptions

[bottom left, center and right of framing mat in graphite]: HE-X; HE-IX; HE-VIII; [above left illustration on cream paper in graphite]: Same Focus as B [in circle]; [below left illustration on cream paper in graphite]: Panel X [space] / 2 [in circle] [space] Y1 [space] / F [in circle] 3 open mat; [above center illustration on cream paper in graphite]: B [in circle] / 8 3/4" [width]; [below center illustration on cream paper in graphite]: Panel IX [space, inscription struckover] [space] Y2 [space] / G [in circle]; [above right illustration on cream paper in graphite]: Same focus as B [in circle]; [below center illustration on cream paper in graphite]: Panel VIII [space] / Y3


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