Miscellaneous StudiesWorks in Woodmere's CollectionStudy for Ex LibrisDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudies for title frames for "Film of War Pictures"Drawings and WatercolorsViewStudy for a "divine chariot"Drawings and WatercolorsViewPortrait study of helper at Oakley studioDrawings and WatercolorsViewUnidentified study of personifications of "Sanity" and "Equality" standing behind scales [of justice?]Drawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of ornamental detail [escutcheon?]Drawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of "Aerobicycle" fantasy invention?Drawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of convex mirror reflecting room interiorDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudy for heraldic shield and mottoEmblems, Seals, and AwardsViewStudies of carved ornamentation and reliefDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of ornate cabinet frontDrawings and WatercolorsViewSketch of crumpled fabric or paperDrawings and WatercolorsViewAbstract sketchesDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudies of monogramsDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of figures and text "Preaching from the Ship" and "First Miraculous Draught of Fishes"Drawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of draped fabricDrawings and WatercolorsViewDetail study of the French ship Commerce de MarseilleDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudy of mermaids and fish [possibly for bookplate?]Emblems, Seals, and AwardsViewSketch of a sailboat on the waterDrawings and WatercolorsViewSketch of ornately carved pointed archDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudy for two-story elevation of church interiorDrawings and WatercolorsViewInscriptions of "Soul" scripture passagesDrawings and WatercolorsViewStudies of funerary decorationDrawings and WatercolorsView