Illustrations of "William Tyndale..." and "Smuggling..." murals in the Governor's Reception Room for The Holy Experiment: Our Heritage from William Penn, 1644-1944 [Philadelphia: Cogslea Studio, 1950]
c. 1950Medium
Ink and graphite on tracing paper with framing lines in black ink mounted on cream paper between hinged matsCredit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015Dimensions
14 x 22 3/4 in.Description & Inscriptions
[bottom left of illustration at left in black ink]: V.O.; [centered below illustrations on tracing paper in graphite]: 7 1/4 [overall width]; [right on tracing paper in graphite]: 15 3/8 x 8 1/2 / 7 1/4 x 4; [bottom right on tracing paper in graphite]: 3 [in circle]; [verso in graphite]: Violet Oakley / Cogslea Studio Publications / Pila. 19. Pa / Nov 27
The full title reads, Illustrations of "William Tyndale Printing..." and "Smuggling the First Volumes of the New Testament" frieze in the Governor's Reception Room (North Wall, Panel 1, a and b) for The Holy Experiment: Our Heritage from William Penn, 1644-1944 [1950]
The full title reads, Illustrations of "William Tyndale Printing..." and "Smuggling the First Volumes of the New Testament" frieze in the Governor's Reception Room (North Wall, Panel 1, a and b) for The Holy Experiment: Our Heritage from William Penn, 1644-1944 [1950]