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The World
The State
The City
The House
The School
The Church
Books and Illuminated Texts
Other Projects
Greatest Hits
Commissions and Projects
All Angels Episcopal Church, "The Heavenly Host," Chancel Murals, "The Ascension," Design for Mosaic Reredos
Architectural Studies
Bryn Mawr College
Century Magazine
Chestnut Hill Academy, Henry Memorial Library
Christian Science Church
Christian Science Journal
Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Sentinel
Church: Mystery Projects
Church: Other Related Projects
Clubs and Organizations
Collier House, "Dante" Window
Cuyahoga County Courthouse, Cleveland, Ohio, "The Constitutional Convention, September 17, 1787"
Edith Emerson
Figure Studies
First Presbyterian, "Great Women"
Fleisher Art Memorial
Friends, Colleagues, and Acquaintances
Germantown Friends School
Gibson House, "Hamlet and Tempest Stained Glass Windows (Shakespeare Windows)"
Governor's Grand Executive Reception Room, Pennsylvania State Capitol, "The Founding of the State of Liberty Spiritual"
Greatest Hits
Historical Pageants
Illuminated Texts
Illustrations for Additional Projects
Illustrations for Unidentified Projects
Krisheim and the Woodward Family
Landscapes Made Around the World
Landscapes Made in the United States
Landscapes: Mystery Works
League of Nations
League of Nations Portraits
Miscellaneous Studies
Moral Re-Armament Assembly
Moral Re-Armament Assembly Portraits
Nature Studies
Oakley Family
Philadelphia Award
Philadelphia Naval Base Chapel, "Christ the Carpenter" World War II Portable Altarpiece
Portraits: Additional Works
Portraits: Mystery Works
Red Rose Girls
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church, "The Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins" Stained Glass Lancet Windows
Sarah Lawrence College
Senate Chamber, Pennsylvania State Capitol, "The Creation and Preservation of the Union"
Studies After Other Artists
Supreme Court Chamber, Pennsylvania State Capitol, "The Opening of the Book of the Law"
United Nations
United Nations Portraits
Vassar College Alumnae House
Westtown School, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Woodward Family
Works by Oakley Family Members
World Peace Movement
World War II Portable Altarpieces
Yarnall House, "The House of Wisdom"
Object Type
Banners, Posters, and Brochures
Emblems, Seals, and Awards
Stained Glass Windows
Joy Nicholson
Works in Woodmere's Collection
Joy Nicholson [possibly Nicholson-Norman?]
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