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Portrait of Lawrence Haynes, Sr. in the L'Abri House, ... Image 1

Portrait of Lawrence Haynes, Sr. in the L'Abri House, Atlantic Beach, Florida

Date unkown
Oil on canvas board
Credit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015
22 x 17 3/4 in.

Description & Inscriptions

[verso in blue ink]: portrait of Laurence Haynes Sr. / in setting of "L'Abri" / Atlantic Beach -- Floride/ ptd fr memory by VO; [verso label 1 of 4 in black ink]: Lawrence Haynes Sr. / portrait by / Violet Oakley / in house "L'Abri" at / Atlantic Beach, Fla.; [verso label 2 of 4 in red ink]: OP36; [verso label 3 of 4 in black ink]: 160 [in triangle]; [verso label 4 of 4 in black ink]: P-899A
Haynes was Oakley’s cousin and father of tenor Lawrence Haynes, Jr.


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