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Dr. Eelco Nicolaas van Kleffens, representative of the ... Image 1

Dr. Eelco Nicolaas van Kleffens, representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations [Security Council]

Black and white pastel on brown paper mounted on cream paper
Credit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015
20 3/8 x 13

Description & Inscriptions

[lower left of drawing with guidelines all in graphite]: Violet / Oakley / 1946; [bottom center between horizontal lines in black pastel over white pastel "plaque"]: Netherlands
In 1946, Oakley wrote, "Many are the pages in my sketch books with light notes of the Representative from the Netherlands. For this drawing he graciously gave me a sitting in his office at the Dutch Legation. He is indeed a keen instrument sharpened for this work for the world’s security. Very tall and thin, with long hands which he uses expressively when speaking, he penetrates to the heart of every matter before the Council, and with such sensible and kindly wisdom and humor, often saves some delicate situation which might otherwise have proved dangerous.


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