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Dr. Peng-Chun Chang (1892-1957), Delegate from China to the ... Image 1

Dr. Peng-Chun Chang (1892-1957), Delegate from China to the United Nations

Black and white conté on buff paper
Credit Line
Gift of Robert McLean, 1980
18 ¼ x 12 1/8 in.

Description & Inscriptions

In 1946 Oakley wrote of Dr. Chang, "He also spoke in beautiful English with an amazingly rich vocabulary. He referred to all the peoples in the 'economically low-pressure areas' with compassionate understanding. He concluded with a quotation from Confucius, because it was 'so modern.'”_x000D_
An intellectual leader of the United Nations and vice chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, Chang, along with Charles Malik from Lebanon and Eleanor Roosevelt, helped ensure the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. He creatively resolved many stalemates in the negotiation process, using aspects of Confucian doctrine to reach compromises between factions."_x000D_


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