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Maksim Litvinov, delegate from the Soviet Union, speaking ... Image 1

Maksim Litvinov, delegate from the Soviet Union, speaking at the League of Nations

c. 1927
White chalk on black paper on white board under framing mat of light gray board
Credit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015
8 7/8 x 6 ¼ in.

Description & Inscriptions

[bottom left of white board, below drawing, in graphite]: Litvinov speaking at / the League of Nations; [bottom right of white board, below drawing, in graphite]: by Violet Oakley; [detached label in black ink]: League of Nations Series / Litvinov / Foreign Commissar of / the U.S.S.R / now Ambassador to / the U.S.A / [torn away] Oakley
Maksim Litvinov was a Soviet diplomat, who served as commissar of foreign affairs and later as ambassador to the United States. As a member of the preparatory commission for the League of Nations’ World Disarmament Conference (1927–30), Litvinov proposed sweeping programs that established his prominence in world disarmament advocacy.


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