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Portrait head studies of Gustav Stresemann, Vittorio ... Image 1

Portrait head studies of Gustav Stresemann, Vittorio Scialoja, Joseph Paul-Boncour and unidentified man (possibly Cuban delegate) at the League of Nations

Pastel and graphite on gray paper
Credit Line
Gift of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2015
9 ¾ x 6 5/8 in.

Description & Inscriptions

[top right in yellow pastel]: Mais! [?]; [below each of the top row of head studies in graphite]: Stresemann; Scialoja; Boncour; [below bottom row head study in graphite]: Cuba; [bottom right in red ink]: stamped signature
Gustav Stresemann negotiated Germany's admittance to the League of Nations in 1926. Both Vittorio Scialoja and Joseph Paul-Boncour were permanent delegates to the League, representing Italy and France, respectively.


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