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Annual Fund

As you know from your visits to Woodmere, it has been an exciting and busy year filled with innovative exhibitions, extraordinary new acquisitions of art, broad praise for our online and printed exhibition catalogues, well-attended jazz concerts, and significant educational outreach to our city’s schoolchildren. We are delighted to offer our popular community programs, including the annual Straw Maze, free docent tours on the first Sunday of each month, art making and storytelling for children in the galleries, Tuesday night film series, and weekend gallery tours and lectures throughout the year.

To continue our expanded programming and ensure Woodmere’s continued success, we ask you now to consider making a generous gift to the Annual Fund, which represents the foundation of unrestricted giving to the Museum. Your annual gift supports all of our day-to-day activities and is critically important as we work to increase the number of Philadelphia schoolchildren who visit Woodmere and take advantage of our education programming. These are the very children who often have no exposure or access to the arts in their schools.

We are committed to ensuring that the Museum moves in an exciting new direction with increased energy and programming. Please know how much we appreciate your contribution and your endorsement of Woodmere’s future. We invite you to come see us again and again!

With all my best regards,

William Valerio, Ph.D.
The Patricia Van Burgh Allison Director and CEO

Make a gift now or mail your check to:

Annual Fund
Woodmere Art Museum
9201 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118

  • TRAFFIC NOTICE: Germantown Avenue will become one lane between Hampton Road and Sunset Avenue beginning Monday, September 16, 2024. Please consider using an alternate route to avoid traffic delays.