Adult Classes and Workshops
Please be advised that classes take place in Eastern Standard Time.
Online classes: are offered via Zoom. For more information click here.
Registration: registration is available by clicking the REGISTER buttons listed under each class description or by calling 267-691-0725.
If you have a credit from a previous class, please contact Amanda Monroe at to receive your discount code before registering online.
Payment Policy: To learn about Woodmere's art class payment policy, click here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Woodmere Art Museum's Education Department by emailing
Winter 2025 Class Registration is now open! More upcoming classes and workshops will be added to the schedule soon.
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Saturday
- Drawing
- Painting and Drawing
- Sculpture
- Textiles
Workshop 7 | Exploring Abstraction Workshop
REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY FILLED. If you would like to be added to a waiting list for the class, please email Amanda Monroe at ASAP.
This workshop offers a combination of instruction and open studio practice allowing students to explore, take chances, develop critical thinking, and cultivate their artistic voices. Participants investigate basic color theory, learn how to create strong compositions, and develop technical skills. The choice of medium is up to each individual. Supportive individual and group critiques, specific assignments and demonstrations will encourage students to pursue their personal styles and growth.
Assorted soft pastels - instructor prefers schmeinke and sennelier, however, it is up to the student to choose. Rembrandt are moderately priced and are good for beginners
Paper – instructor prefers Arches 140lb. cold pressed
Old toothbrush
Acrylics and Oils
Painting surface – student’s choice –canvas, board, metal, paper
Palette – paper, glass, plexi, paper plate, etc.
Brushes, palette knife, and any other implements of student’s choice
Painting Mediums – for acrylics, instructor prefers Acrylic Glazing Liquid by Golden; for oils, instructor prefers Windsor Newton Painting Medium; any others can be added depending on desired effect
Workshop | Transforming Cardboard and Discards into Sculpture
This workshop is designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of sculpting with cardboard and discarded materials and offers skill-enhancing projects for experienced artists. Participants will create small-scale sculptures, installations or wall pieces through creative experimentation with cardboard, wire, fabric, egg cartons, packing materials, and paint. Learn innovative techniques for working with and repurposing found objects and materials with teacher demonstrations of construction techniques, use of adhesives and ways of connecting surfaces, and project development.
This workshop will include a brief history of found object art and looking at notable artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Robert Rauschenberg, James Castle, Deborah Berger and Leonard Knight, among others. In addition to creating sculptural artworks, one of the goals is to raise awareness about environmental waste and encourage participants to see discarded items not as “junk” or “trash,” but as resources with the potential for repurposing and transformation into art.
Pre-workshop activity: Participants will collect locally found discarded materials. This activity aims to raise awareness about environmental waste and encourage participants to see discarded items not as “junk” or “trash,” but as resources with the potential for repurposing and transformation.
Supply List: Participants should gather cardboard and other materials to bring to the workshop.
Cardboard: You can choose to work solely from cardboard if you prefer and/or use other common supplies such as:
egg cartons;
electric wire; 16 - 18 gauge wire; [I will bring a drill to demonstrate how to straighten or braid wire]. (Woodmere has a limited supply of 18 gauge wire)
threads: string; ribbon; pieces of fabric torn strips
plastic potting plants or trays
cartons that hold glassware
molded plastic box inserts.
Acrylic paint or house paint ; (Acrylic paint is available at Woodmere)
masking tape for painting areas.
Cutting tools (scissors, craft knives, wire cutters, pliers )
Michelle has 1 wire cutter; Woodmere has a couple of wire cutters)
Adhesives (glue guns, tape, stapler)
Woodmere has glue sticks, masking tape, and a few staplers
Optional: Safety equipment (gloves, goggles) is a small recycling place in Kensington that has a lot of miscellaneous materials.
Spring/Summer Workshop | Traditional African Batik & Adire Textiles: Tablecloth or Wall Hanging
Muyiwa Togun is the Founder and CEO of Roy Urban Kollection (RUK), an African textile, art and fashion manufacturer and brand. He is an artist, textile and fashion designer, pulling inspiration from his Yoruba roots and his lived experience as a Nigerian youth assimilating into a new culture as a recently immigrated resident to the United States.
$30 materials fee made payable to the instructor for fabric, wax, and dyes.
1B | Studio Oil Painting
This class is designed to help students execute a painting of their own subject matter and focuses on composition, perspective, color mixing, and painting techniques., Students can use photographs as source material to organize and create a painting, and may devote the entire session to one piece or work on multiple pieces. Individual instruction is given during each session.
Oil Colors
Yellow: cadmium yellow pale or indian yellow
Blue: cerulean blue, ultramarine
Red: cadmium red light, alizarin crimson
Green: sap green, viridian
Earth: raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre or transparent yellow oxide
White: titanium
Brushes: flat brushes in a variety of sizes; include a few soft, synthetic or sable, a few rounds and at least one 2" or larger soft, flat brush for glazing. Make sure these are not watercolor brushes.
Palette knife - flexible, cranked shaft at least 3in long.
Palette, wood or paper (toned gray paper is preferable)
Linseed oil
Turpenoid or odorless paint thinner - NOT TURPENOID NATURAL!
Containers for linseed oil and turpenoid
Stretched canvas/gessoed panel
Paper towels/painting rags
If using photos for source material, Students must provide their own photos.
2B | Drawing and Painting I and II
REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY FILLED. If you would like to be added to a waiting list for the class, please email Amanda Monroe at ASAP.
Enjoy painting, drawing or a combination of both. Beginners will be taught how to “see” and not just look. Questions such as “where do I start?” will be answered. Learn what makes an interesting composition, how to shade and give your pictures character and depth. Beginning painters will learn color theory and mixing, how to handle paint, composition and basic techniques. More advanced students will continue to hone their skills through a combination of painting from real life as well as the classic method of artistic learning: copying from other artworks and photographs. Demonstrations and individual instruction will be given to each student. Progress at your own pace in a relaxed atmosphere.
If you are drawing,
12” x 16” drawing pad (approximate Size) NOT Newsprint
4 pencils: 2B, 4B, 6B, HB
Kneaded eraser
For Painting:
Disposable palette pad
Canvas pad (approximately 12 x 15”), OR two small canvases: Make sure the canvas pad says " REAL " canvas
Paper Towels (Bounty is good)
1 Can (for water or turpenoid)
1 Can turpenoid only. NOT Turpentine.
Brushes – sizes 4, 6, 8 to begin
Oil Paint Colors: White, Black, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow, French Ultramarine Blue, Raw Umber, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna.
3B | Introduction to Oil Painting and Beyond
REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY FILLED. If you would like to be added to a waiting list for the class, please email Amanda Monroe at ASAP.
This class is for students who want to learn the basics of oil painting and for those who are already familiar with the medium and want to improve their skill level. The topics covered will be composing a picture, observing color relationships, mixing color, and application of paint. There will be lots of hands-on help in a relaxed and nurturing environment.
Oil Colors
Yellow: cadmium yellow pale or indian yellow
Blue: cerulean blue, ultramarine
Red: cadmium red light, alizarin crimson
Green: sap green, viridian
Earth: raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre or transparent yellow oxide
White: titanium
Brushes: flat brushes in a variety of sizes; include a few soft, synthetic or sable, a few rounds and at least one 2" or larger soft, flat brush for glazing. Make sure these are not watercolor brushes.
Palette knife - flexible, cranked shaft at least 3in long.
Palette, wood or paper (toned gray paper is preferable)
Linseed oil
Turpenoid or odorless paint thinner - NOT TURPENOID NATURAL!
Containers for linseed oil and turpenoid
Stretched canvas/gessoed panel
Paper towels/painting rags
If using photos for source material, Students must provide their own photos.
6B | Botanical Watercolor
Learn how to capture the variety of shapes, colors and forms of plants and flowers with the free flow of watercolor. Students will sharpen their observational skills, create interesting compositions, and develop ways of mixing and layering color to encourage self-expression. Demonstrations will be given with plenty of individual attention.
Drawing paper to begin: 9” x 12” drawing pad (approximate Size) is good
Watercolor paper for a longer painting, either 8x10 or 11x14 in size
Pencils for drawing: 2B, 4B, 6B, HB
Erasers: white erasers
Watercolor pencils and a watercolor set
Fine watercolor brushes (it is great to have a few very fine and medium brushes)
8B | Portrait Painting and Drawing
This class will guide students in a process of learning how to achieve a likeness in a portrait drawing and painting. Students will spend time every week on basic exercises to develop fundamental skills and learn how likeness is created through head structure and the relationship of features. Understanding of light and shadow will be emphasized as well as achieving illusions of different textures such as hair, skin and fabrics. The instructor will provide demonstrations in both drawing and painting. Students will also receive individual instruction to help develop their drawings or paintings in class.
Pencils, #’s HB, 2B, 4B and 8B
Vine Charcoal, Soft
Kneaded Eraser
Drawing Pad, 12” x 16” or 14” x 18” or equivalent size
Oil Paints
Ivory Black
Indian Red
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Red Light
Burnt Sienna
Ultramarine Blue
Flake White
Windsor and Newton’s Liquin
Mineral Spirits (for washing brushes)
Bristle brushes round or filbert: sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
A few small sables or artificial sables
Wooden or strip (paper) palette
2 or 3 canvases (board or stretched)
sizes 11 x 14”, 16 x 20”, or 18 x 24”
2 palette cups
paper towels or cotton rags
10B | Introduction to Drawing
This class is designed to introduce the essential elements of drawing by working from the landscape and still life setups. Students will experiment with a variety of charcoals and pencils and explore form and space through tone, scale, and color relationships to create unified drawing compositions.
Drawing will take place inside the studio. Students will be inspired by drawings in the Museum’s galleries, in-class demonstrations, and YouTube videos.
Materials: Drawing board, Lg. drawing paper, pencil, charcoal, eraser, pen, water soluble pencils 23”x26”, one box, medium, one box of soft 18”x24” 15”x22”