Studio Workshop | Intro to Eastern Woodland Porcupine Quills on Birchbark

1:00 pm
4:00 pm
Woodmere Art Museum Studio
Offered in partnership with Mount Airy Learning Tree
Learn how to create a design with porcupine quills on birchbark. Native Americans used porcupine quills for decorative design before Colonial contact brought them beads. The pointed, barbed end of the quill makes a natural needle to thread through holes in the bark. Patterns achieved in the placement of the quills give the decorated bark an elegant look of embroidery. In the Eastern Woodlands where the paper birch tree (Betula papyrifera) grows, many traditional items were made from this flexible bark.
Clan Mother Teri Hislop is a tribal member of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania and Keeper of Traditional Craft. She tells stories through her illustrative beadwork and other traditional crafts. She is also an instructor of the Lenape language.
$49/student + $10 materials fee


  • TRAFFIC NOTICE: Germantown Avenue will become one lane between Hampton Road and Sunset Avenue beginning Monday, September 16, 2024. Please consider using an alternate route to avoid traffic delays.