Teacher Workshop | Cultural Heritage and Historical Context in the Art of Barbara Bullock
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Woodmere Art Museum
3 PA Act 48 Hours
With educators Steve Wills and Hildy Tow

This workshop is designed to help teachers create learning experiences that strengthen social studies curriculum and demonstrate and apply visual and critical thinking skills regarding history and an appreciation for cultural heritage. Participants will take part in a series of activities that demonstrate how Bullock’s work was propelled by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, a time when Black American artists began consciously addressing their African heritage and their experiences as African Americans. Teachers will participate in activities that demonstrate the importance of teaching history and cultural heritage as a means of connecting with our past, informing on how we see the present, and imagining the future.
Teachers will receive materials for classroom use. This workshop is aligned with Common Core Academic standards.