Part of the Program: Tuesday Nights at the Movies

Tuesday Night Film | Kay Francis Double Feature: Trouble in Paradise & One Way Passage

6:30 pm
9:00 pm
Woodmere Art Museum

TROUBLE IN PARADISE (1932 / 83 minutes)

Director Ernst Lubitsch’s delightful, spicy, and cynical pre-Code comedy about a pair of con artists Miriam Hopkins and Herbert Marshall) and their romantic/criminal triangle with heiress Kay Francis. Costarring the ever-wonderful Edward Everett Horton and C. Aubrey Smith.

In 1991, Trouble in Paradise was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."

ONE WAY PASSAGE (1932 / 68 minutes)

Rueful and bittersweet, pre-Code shipboard romance on a Hong Kong to San Francisco sailing. Captured-scaped murderer William Powell is being returned to prison for his imminent execution, but finds 11th hour love with terminally ill beauty, Kay Francis having her one last cruise ship hurrah. Their passion smolders and they make the most of their monthlong final voyage. Powell and Francis' 6th movie together, co-written by Wilson Mizner, and directed with expert finesse by Tay Garnet.

Donations suggested.