Pollinator Power!


About the Exhibition

Pollinator Power! is an immersive installation that celebrates the miracle and interdependence of pollination, a system in which flowers and pollinators each provide what the other needs. The artworks on exhibit were created by a diverse group of artists, ages 6 to 26 years old, working together at Mindy Flexer Art School and Allens Lane Art Center, under the direction of Mindy Flexer and her apprentice Molly Hynes. 
By creating a community based on respect, love, and belonging, young artists were able to unleash the power of their own minds and experience how this increases exponentially with collaboration and teamwork. 
Just like the work of bees, cooperative action on any scale can impact the challenges caused by the climate change emergency we now face. Pollinator Power! is an invitation to use the boundless energy of the human spirit to envision and co-create the future of our precious planet.

"Bee" Part of Pollinator Power! 

Use the following resources for planting your own pollinator garden: 



Upcoming Events

Pollinator Halloween Mask Make-in

Sunday, 22 October 2023 00:00
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Pollinator Power! Opening Reception

Saturday, 30 September 2023 00:00
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  • TRAFFIC NOTICE: Germantown Avenue will become one lane between Hampton Road and Sunset Avenue beginning Monday, September 16, 2024. Please consider using an alternate route to avoid traffic delays.