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Margaretta S. Hinchman

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Margaretta Hinchman was born in Philadelphia of a Quaker family, man proficient in the arts, an uncle being her first teacher in drawing. She studies sculpture with Charles Grafly, illustration with Howard Pyle, and a few lessons in watercolor from Onorato Carlandi and Earl Horter. Later she went to New York to study under Kenyon Cox, which in turn led to mural work and figure painting. Four mural paintings Hinchman made of different ports for the Sulgrave Manor at the Sesqui-Centennial Exhibition were later transferred to Sweet Brier in Fairmount Park. During World War 1 she served as an ambulance driver and also painted posters for the U.S. Shipping Board and a Designation Target for Camp Dix.

Hinchman has been awarded the Mary Smith Prize at The Pennsylvania Academy of Art and Design  twice, -in 1935 and in 1943- Gold & Silver Medals at the Philadelphia Plastic Club, and two prizes at the Wilmington Society of Fine Arts, among others. She was a member of most of the major art organizations, including the National Society of Mural Painters in New York, a founding member of the Philadelphia Art Alliance, and president of the Arts & Crafts Guild for seven years

She has also illustrated many books, including: Early Settlers of Nantucket: Their Associates  and  Descendants by Lydia S. Hinchman (1901), My Busy Days: A Child’s Verse by Edith B. Sturgis (1908); and The Beauties of Fairmount Park Throughout the  Year (1936).

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