Razel Kapustin, Electrical Storm over Albuquerque

Razel Kapustin: Electrical Storm over Albuquerque (c. 1958) Oil on Masonite
Electrical Storm over Albuquerque
c. 1958
Oil on Masonite
Credit Line
Gift of Sylvia and Sheldon Kapustin, 2012
36 ¼" x 46 3/8"

I think it's an image of God -that's my own take on it. It seems threatening to me. The Hebrew God is a very frightening God. I think it's a mix of things, and it could be partially a self-portrait.

-Louise Fishman

Kapustin's Electrical Storm over Albuquerque centers on a figure that is as monumental as it is mysterious. Head, shoulders, and hands emerge from a chaotic but taught and energetic array of linear elements. Blue tears drip down from the swirling eyes and appear to spread across the canvas, seemingly connecting but also disrupting the energy of this pictorial universe.

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