Stan Merz, Month's End

Stan Merz: Month's End (1978) Acrylic on canvas
Month's End
Acrylic on canvas
Credit Line
Gift of Donna Turner Petersen and Robert E.A. Petersen, 1989
60" x 66 ½"
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  • Stan and I grew close over the years. Not long after he received tenor at PAFA, he left and spent time between Spain and the US (where both his daughters were living). I believe he moved back to the states after that and hopped back and forth to Spain while helping to raise his grand daughter. With great regret, I changed my old phone number and was off the grid for years. During that pocket, I lost track of him... I have taught at Art Centers and have taught at PAFA since 2005. I also now teach at Fleisher. His early guidance, when I studied under him in the early 90’s, remains with me in my personal work and in my instruction. His ability to break down and articulate the value of the process and abstract ways of seeing have been instrumental to my personal and professional development.

  • Beautiful! We own 10 paintings by Stan Merz, which get more adulation than the Frankenthalers, Motherwells, and Rauschenbergs (albeit lithos.) on our walls. .

    Carol Silbergeld
  • Beautiful! We own ten works by Stan Merz that he did in 1973-1974. We lost contact with him many years ago but live with his aesthetic at home and in our offices. I have three small Motherwell and one Frankenthaler in my office. People come, look around and ask where I got the work Stan Merz did. Even New Yorkers who know the other artists!

    Arthur Silbergeld
  • I was a student of Stan's for many years at PAFA. I too, lost track of him. Although I have none of his paintings, I live and teach his aesthetic ideals. I would love to have the opportunity to see more of his work.

    Georganna Lenssen
  • TRAFFIC NOTICE: Germantown Avenue will become one lane between Hampton Road and Sunset Avenue beginning Monday, September 16, 2024. Please consider using an alternate route to avoid traffic delays.