Portrait of Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg
Portrait of Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg
Hello Dana, As you probably know, there are 3 Nina Belle Ward paintings here at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. You can see them online by going to the following link: http://collection.kiarts.org/view/objects/asimages/search@?t:state:flow=00e2075b-cca4-49dd-aff1-8b7c19fbcd56 We also have high resolution images that I will be glad to sent along. “Portrait of a Lady in Black” will be one of the 90 works included in a handbook to the KIA collection that we hope to have published late in 2014. I’ll be writing the text for the painting, so I am very interested in any information about NBW before she came to Kalamazoo. Best wishes, Greg Waskowsky Curator of Special Programs (gregw@kiarts.org)