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Violet Oakley, Albert Spalding, American Violinist

Violet Oakley: Albert Spalding, American Violinist (1929) Oil on canvas
Albert Spalding, American Violinist
Oil on canvas
Credit Line
Gift of the Violet Oakley Foundation, 1983
35 1/4 x 26 1/2 in.

Violet Oakley is represented by more than 2,000 works in Woodmere’s collection. The Violet Oakley Experience, generously funded by the Henry Luce Foundation, brings together the art and history of this remarkable woman in a searchable database. Follow the link to learn more.

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  • My Grandfather Patrick Welch emigrated with his family to the USA. They settled in Great Barrington MA, where Albert Spalding's family had a summer home. Patrick Welch was an accomplished Irish Fiddler who apparently spent a great amount of time paying with the arguably the world's best violinist of his day, Albert Spalding. My father told me numerous stories about my Grandmother sending bike riding children to the Spalding home to tell Patrick it was late and time to come home! One can imagine how those interactions unfolded and if Patrick and Albert stopped playing and called it a night.

    Jack Welch