The digitization of Woodmere's collection is presented in recognition of Cindy and John Affleck to honor their support and extraordinary leadership.CollectionExploration Scroll down, select a work of art, and tell us your stories. The Violet Oakley Experience Click here to discover more than 2,000 works by Violet. Collection Highlights Use the featured tab below to explore strengths of Woodmere’s collection. - Collection Highlights - PA Impressionists Founder's Collection Sculpture and Nature Arthur Carles and His Circle Violet Oakley and Her Circle Charles Santore and TV Guide Gifts Honoring Marguerite Lenfest Social Realism Hovenden and Corson The Photography of Ben Rose - Artist - Abbott, Yarnall Abercrombie, Catherine Adams, Jamie Adams, Phoebe Adlestein, Linda Aguir, T. Alexandrin, Anastasia Alter, Linda Lee Amarotico, Joseph Ames, Sarah Fisher Anderson, Harry Anderson, W. Livingstone Andrade, Edna Anliker, Roger Anshutz, Thomas Pollock Antonelli, Severo Antsis, Emanuel Armstrong, Martha Arnold, Patrick Asher, Lila Oliver Ashton, Ethel V. Asman, Robert Autorino, Anthony Ayers, Roland Bach, Laurence Badura, Bernard (1) Badura, Faye Swengel Bailly, Joseph Alexis Balderson, Lance Baldwin, Katie Baltzell, Jan Bank, Susan S. Barber, John Barnes, John Pierce Barnet, Will Barnett, William Bartlett, Bo (1) Baskin, Leonard Bateman, Ronald Baum, Walter Beaux, Cecilia Bechtel, David B. Bechtle, C. Ronald Beck, Robert Becker, Howard Bendiner, Alfred (1) Berd, Morris Bergner, Lanny Bergner, Lanny Bermani, Filippo Bermudez, Henry Bernstein, Theresa Bershad, Helen Bertoia, Harry Biddle, George Biddle, Michael Birch, Thomas Bishop, Richard E. Blackburn, Morris Blatstein, Susan Bloch, Julius Bonovitz, Jill Bookbinder, Jack Borie, Adolphe Bortner, Selma Boutelle, DeWitt Clinton Bowes, Betty M. Bowlby, Astrid Boylan, Nancy Bramblett, Frank Brantley, James Breckenridge, Hugh Henry Brewster, David Bricher, Alfred Thompson Briscoe, Franklin D. Britt, Benjamin Brodhead, Quita Brodovitch, Alexey Brodsky, Harry Brodsky, Judith K. Brooker, Moe Brown, Ellie Brown, Emily Brown, Samuel Joseph Buck, Paul Bullock, Barbara Bunker, George Burger, Elizabeth Godshalk Burke, Selma Hortense Burko, Diane (1) Burnside, Cameron Burwell, Charles Bush, Amanda Butler, James Butler, Mary Bye, Arthur Edwin Bye, Ranulph Calder, Alexander Camp, Donald E. Campbell, Hugh H. Campbell, Lynne Campbell, William H. Campuzano, Anthony Canfield, Anne Cannon, Florence V. Capanna, Mariel Capolino, John Joseph Carabain, Jacques Francois Cariss, Henry T. Carles, Arthur B. Carles, Arthur B., Sr. Carlson, Cynthia Carpenter, Syd Carrión, Diego H. Rodriguez (1) Casilear, John W. Cassatt, Mary Cava, Paul Cazes, Romain Cederstrom, John A. Chaney, Robert Chappell, Melvin Chase, Jonathan Lyndon Chase, William Merrit Chew, Richard S. Chimes, Thomas Church, Frederic Edwin Ciervo, Michael Ciliberti, Michael V. Circle of Thomas Eakins Clark, Claude Clowney, Matthew Cochrane, Constance Coleman, Ralph Pallen Colker, Edward Condit, Walter Dodd Connors, Patrick Coppedge, Fern Isabel Corrigan, Dennis Corson, Charles S. Cotter, Jacqueline Cropsey, Jasper Francis Curran, Joan Wadleigh D'Ascenzo, Nicola Daley, William Dallmann, Daniel (1) Day, Larry De Costa, Arthur De Mayo, Louis de Noter, David Emil Joseph Delagas, H. Dellaripa, Filomena Denton, Lynn Blackwell Depew, Candy Dessner, Murray Dimston, Danielle DiStefano, Domenic Donegan, Steve Doolittle, Dorcas Cooke Dougherty, Louis P. Dowell, John E. Doyen, Gustave Drew-Bear, Jessie Drexel, Francis Martin Dufala Brothers Duffus, Justin Dupre, Julien Dupree, James Durnell, Thomas DuSold, Paul Eckel, Jonathan Edelschein, Reinhold Edmunds, Allan L. Egnal, Stuart Emerson, Edith English, Frank F. Erbe, Gary T. Erggelet, Paula Erlebacher, Martha Mayer Erlebacher, Walter Ettinger, Cindi R. Evans, Grace Ewing, Thomas Exon, Randall L. Fadden, Marie-Celeste Feasley, Joy Feiner, Donna Feinstein, Sam Feldman, Eugene Felice, George Ferguson, Nancy Maybin Fern, Varvàra Ferris, John Ferris, Stephen James Fertig, David Filmus, Tully Fine, Ruth Finkelstein, Louis Finkle, Harvey Fisher-Fishman, Gertrude Fishman, Louise Flory, Arthur Folinsbee, John Ford, Steven Formicola, John (2) Fox, Barbara Francis, Larry Francksen, Jean Francksen, Jean Fredenthal, Robinson Freeland, Bill Freelon, Allan R. Freid, Sam Friedman, Jesse Froelich, Paul Fromboluti, Sideo Fugazzi, Evan Fussell, Katherine Barker Galante, Frances Gallagher, Michael Galuszka, Frank Gammon, Reginald Garber, Daniel Gardner, Walter Gartside, Thomas Garvey, Lauren Gasparro, Frank Gaughan, Thomas Geissler, Paul Gest, Margaret Ralston Geyer, Johann Ghenad, Reza Gibbs, George Fort Gilboy, Margaretta Gill, Sue May Westcott Glackens, William Glatfelter, Libby Glick, Lucy Glidden, Moy Gold, Albert Goodell, William Newport Goodman, Eileen Goodman, Robert Goodman, Sidney Gordon, Kenneth Goreleigh, Rex Gorka, Paul Gorny, Anthony Goutman, Dolya Graham, David Grassi, Neysa Green, Elizabeth Shippen (1) Green, Mark Greenbaum, Steffi Greenberg, Joseph Greenberg, Sanford Greenfield, Jerry Greenwood, Paul Anthony Grimley, Oliver Grips, C.J. Grobes, Thelma Grunewald, Gustavus Johann Gu, Deena Gutekunst, Frederick Hamilton, Hamilton Hamilton, James Hankins, Abraham P. Harold-Steinhauser, Judith Harrigan, Charles Edward Harris, Nicholas James Harris, Penelope Hart, John Francis Hartshorne, Christopher Haskins, Dara Hayter, Stanley William Heid, Mark Hendler, Raymond Henri, Robert Hermansader, Marcy Hershey, Noah Herzog, Hermann Hinchman, Margaretta S. Hirsch, Joseph Hobbs, George T. Hollander, Natalie Charkow Holsing, Marilyn Hood, Mary G.L. Horter, Earl Horter, Elizabeth Lentz House, James Charles Jr. Houser, Jim Hovenden, Helen Corson Hovenden, Thomas Hricho, Richard Hubbard, Betty W. Huckabee, Eric Hunt, William Hunter, Frances Tipton (1) Hyder, Frank Ingersoll, Patricia Brock Irish, Jane Ivey, H.D. James, Frederick James, Loren Jamison, Philip Janschka, Fritz Jay, Charles Jefferson, Joseph Johnson-Allen, Martina Johnson, George Johnson, Homer Johnson, Lois M. Jones, Carol Sullivan Judd, Tom Judge, Mary Kagan, Richard Kaiser, Don Kalick, Charles Kaman, Kate Kamihira, Ben Kanevsky, Alex Kaplan, Jerome Kaprelian, Charles Kapustin, Razel Karp, Leon Katsiff, Bruce Keast, Susette Inloes Schultz Keene Jr., Paul F. Kelly, James Phillip Kelly, Leon Kerrigan, Maurie Kewley, Ken Keyser, Robert Kilicbeyli, Basak Kim, Juri King, Paul Kingman, Diana Kline, Franz Knapp, Charles W. Knobelsdorf, Kurt Koffman, Nathan Kohler, Drew Kohler, William Eckhardt Kohn, Bernard A. Kosh, Neil Koss, Allen Kowbuz, Michael Krause, George Krimmel, John Lewis Krouse, Millicent Krupp, Andrea Kunzie, Doris (Weidner) Kurtz, Elaine La Boiteaux, Mary Hinchman Laan, Magtillt Lachman, Frances Lalanne, Maxime Landau, Jacob Lapelle, Rodger Lathrop, William Langson Laub, John Lawrence, Sir Thomas Le Clair, Charles Lear, George Lear, John (1) Learner, Lisa Lebe, David Lee, Ed Bing Lehrer, Leonard Leipzig, Mel Leith-Ross, Harry Leon, Dennis Levinthal, Aubrey Levinthal, Bonnie (1) Lewis, Edmund Darch Lewis, Gilbert Lewis, Jessie Li, Ying Lim, Lesa Chittenden Limont, Naomi Charles Lin, Isaac Tin Wei Linda Brenner Loper Sr., Edward L. Lorenzini, John Lowry, Susan Lueders, Jimmy Mackie, Deryl Madigan, Martha Maitin, Samuel Malm, Kim Mamba, Eustace Mangione, Patricia Marin, John Mark, Enid Mark, Mary Ellen Marsh, Joshua Martenson, Douglas Marti, Virgil Martinez, Gabriel Martino, Antonio Pietro Martino, Babette Martino, Eva Martino, Giovanni Martino, Nina Mason, Mary Townsend Matthews, Rob Maxwell, John Raymond May, Edward Harrison Mayerson, Jack McCannon, Dindga McCarter, Henry McCarthy, Francis McClelland, Suzanne McCormick, Katharine Hood McElhinney, Jim McEneaney, Sarah McGinnis, Christine Mednick, Armand Mednick, Seymour Melnicoff, Mitzi Melrose, Andrew Meltzer, Arthur Merz, Stan Metrinko, Paul Metzker, Ray K. Meunier, Brian Miller, Agnes Hood Miller, Dan Miller, Mildred Bunting Milton, Peter Mimnaugh, Barbara Minich, Anne Mitchell, Henry Weber Mitchell, Samantha Dylan Molarsky, Maurice Moore, John Moore, Susan Moran, Edward Moran, John Moran, Kate Moran, Peter Morell, Abelardo Mother Nature Mott, Philip Mulligan, Catherine (2) Munson, Mark Murphy, J. Francis Muybridge, Eadweard Naftulin, Rose Neely, Joseph Jr. Neff, Edith (3) Neill, Nancy Nelson, Dona Nelson, Leonard Netsky, Stuart Newberry, Tina Nicholson, George W. Noel, Scott Nomecos, Mary Nuse, Oliver Nuse, Roy C. O'Hara, E. J. Oakley, Thornton Oakley, Violet (2) Oberteuffer, George Oh, Alice Osborne, Elizabeth (1) Oxman, Katja Packard, Andrea Palmore, Tom Paone, Peter Pappe, Carl Pardi, Justin Anthony Passione, Benjamin Peale, Charles Willson Peale, Rembrandt Peale, Sarah Miriam Pearson Jr., Joseph T. Pease, David (1) Peckenpaugh, Madeline Pennell, Joseph Perot, Eleanor S. Peterson, Brian H. Petlockm Bernard Phillips, John Pinkney, Jerry Pinto, Angelo Pinto, Biagio Pinto, Jody Pinto, Salvatore Piper, Jane Pittman, Hobson Pitz, Henry C. Pollock, Bruce Porett, Thomas Portlock, Timothy Powers, Hiram Pressoir, Esther Price, Elizabeth M. Price, Melville Priemon, Thomas E. Pullinger, Herbert (2) Queral, Alex Quigley, Edward Ragone, Keith Ramers, Del Ramsdale, Jack Ranck, Richard Rattner, Abraham Rauffenbart, Bruce Read, Thomas Buchanan Redding, Walter Redfield, Edward Willis Redmond, Jon Remenick, Seymour Resnikoff, Isaac Richards, Frederick DeBourg Richards, William Trost Richardson, Constance Riggs, Robert Rittase, William Rittase, William Riu, Victor Roberts, Blanche Gilroy Robin, Stephen Rocco, Anthony Roesen, Severin Rohrer, Greg Rohrer, Warren Roosevelt, Michael Rosati, Tony Rose, Ben Rosenthal, Albert Rosenthal, Max Rosenthal, Mia Rossman, Michael Rothermel, Peter Frederick Rumford, Ron Russo, Carlo Sabatini, Raphael Sacks, Joseph Sadloch, Csilla Sakaguchi, Hiro Salz, Marc Salzmann, Laurence Samuelson, Bruce Samworth, Kate Sankowsky, Itzhak Santore, Charles Sartain, John Sartain, Samuel Sartain, William Scanga, Italo Schachinger, Gabriel Schaechter, Judith Schary, Saul Schell, Susan Gertrude Schmidt, Charles W. Schofield, Walter Elmer Scott, Bill Searles, Charles Sefarbi, Harry Segal, Karen Seidman, Anne Sellers, Susan Pendleton Serwazi, Albert B. Seven-Seven, Twins Seyffert, Leopold Shanks, Nelson Shaw, Sterling Sheeler, Charles Shekari, Omid Shih, Phoebe Shillea, Thomas Shils, Stuart Shinn, Everett (1) Shipman, John Shoemaker, Jean Miller Siegel, Adrian Siegl, Helen Simkin, Phil Simpson, Samantha Sipos, Ildiko Sisko, Paul Sitarchuk, Leon (1) Sloan, John (1) Sloan, Louis Sloane, George Slovic, David Smith, Christopher Smith, G. Ralph Smith, Jessie Willcox Smith, Michael A. Smith, Priscilla A. Smith, Rita Siemienski Smith, Russell Snell, Henry B. Solowey, Ben Sonntag, William Louis Sotter, George W. Soviak, Harry Spaid, Larry Spandorfer, Merle Speight, Francis Spencer, Robert Speyer, Nora Spiegelman, Art Spinelli, Mary Spritzler, Jessie Spruance, Benton Murdoch Stack, Mike Staffel, Doris Staffel, Rudolf Stahl, Louise Zimmerman Stearns, Larry Stephenson, Helene Sternberg, Ursula Stinnett, Hester Stoddard, Alice Kent Stokes, Willie Strauss, Zoe Street, Robert Stuart, Gilbert Stubbs, Vaughn Stuempfig, Walter Sully, Thomas Summer, Evan Sweeney, Joseph Swimmer, Todd Sword, James Brade Takaezu, Toshiko Tarver, Ron Taylor, F. Walter Theel, Raymond Thorstensen, Shelley Thrash, Dox (1) Thurin, Mickayel Toben, Edward Tobin, Steve Toner, Rochelle Toogood, James Traub, Patricia Tucker, Francis C. Tyson Jr., Carroll S. Uhle, Bernard Unknown, Artist Utescher, Gerd Van Campen, Susan Van Den Hengel, Walter Van Roekens, Paulette Van Sciver, Lloyd Van Sciver, Pearl Van Vliet, Claire Visco, Anthony Vitale, Magda Vonnoh, Robert Wagner, Brian Wagner, Frederick R. Walinsky, Shira Walker, Barbara Walter, Martha Walton, Bill Walton, Thomas Ward, Charles W. Ward, Nina B. Warlow, Claude Joseph Washington, Elizabeth Fisher Wasserman, Burton Watkins, Franklin Watson-Schütze, Eva Waugh, Ida Waugh, Samuel Bell Weber, Paul Weiss, Mili Dunn Wells, Charles West, Benjamin Westcott, Rebecca White, Susan Chrysler White, Vera Whitney, Stanley Wilke, Janice Williams, William Earle Wilson, Elizabeth Wind, Dina Winner, William Wirls, Douglas Wirtz, Michael S. Witmer, Douglas Witte, Justin Woodward, Ben Woolston, Farris Burdine Wright, Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Catharine Wharton Morris Wyeth, N.C. Yeh, Lily Yokota, Hidemi Younger, Robert Yudis, Charlotte R. Zeigler, William J. Zelt, Martha (1) Zucker, Barbara Medium Tags - Medium Tags - Acrylic paint (148) Aerosol paint (1) Aluminum (11) Aquatint (12) Batik (1) Brass (1) Bronze (20) Brush (2) Canvas (528) Card stock (1) Cardboard (3) Casein paint (3) Cement (2) Ceramics (3) Chalk (6) Charcoal (55) Clay (2) Cloth (2) Collage (7) Collagraph (4) Coloured pencil (9) Conté (1) Copper (7) Crayon (21) Digital graphic art software and hardware (1) Drawing (4) Dye print (5) Enamel (7) Encaustic paint (1) Engraving (44) Etching (115) Fabric (3) Gesso (3) Glass (5) Gold (2) Gouache (114) Granite (1) Graphite (164) Ink (57) Inkjet printer (giclée printing) (5) Intaglio (9) Linen (35) Linocut (8) Lithography (179) Marble (2) Marker (1) Masonite (23) Metal (3) Mezzotint (2) Monotype (5) Mylar (11) Non-silver print (1) Offset printing (2) Oil paint (609) Painting (3) Paper (394) Pastel (68) Pen (9) Pencil (28) Photocopying (6) Photographic printing (1) Photography (5) Pigment (9) Pigment print (14) Plaster (4) Plastic (7) Plywood (7) Polychrome (1) Print (49) Relief etching (2) Sand (15) Screen-printing (30) Sculpture (3) Silver (24) Silver print (76) Soil (5) Steel (13) Stick (1) Stone (1) Tempera (16) Vellum (2) Watercolor (152) Wax (6) Wire (1) Wood (60) Wood engraving (2) Woodcut (42) - Time Period - Date Unknown (5) Before 1900 1900-1949 (8) 1950-Present (15) Go Reset Filters changed, please click to submit when done Artwork On View All (28) On View Results 1 - 10 of 28 Page 1 of 3 Diego H. Rodriguez CarriónExodus Catherine MulliganSelf-Portrait with Tiara Daniel Dallmann[Untitled] Dox ThrashNude Dancer David PeaseShiloh, 2005 Elizabeth OsborneGirl with Mirror Edith Neff[Seated Woman] Edith NeffStudy for “The Dining Room” Diane BurkoIn the Canyon Alfred BendinerJay Cooke123Page 1 of 3